Flambloozlement and the student enthusiasm for crunch mode

How do students assess the value of what they learn in class? On the one hand, years of attending school have made them sophisticated judges of teaching effectiveness: They know whether an approach is working for their circumstances and purposes—although these may diverge far from the instructor’s goals. At the same time, students can harbour a curious enthusiasm for a course precisely because it overhwelms them. Why do they respond this way?

When are students fond of courses in which they don’t learn?

How many times have you heard a student say, with more enthusiasm than irony, “That was a great course, though it was so far over my head that I only learned a bit of the material”? Or its close affiliate, “I considered myself lucky to get out with a C [or even a D]”? If they didn’t learn much, why did they consider this a “great course”?

Sometimes this gap between enthusiasm and benefit arose for reasons outside the course: The student was ill-prepared or circumstances distracted them. These aren’t ideal outcomes but they do not indicate any failing in the course design or instruction. The student and the instructor would agree that any failure to learn was due to issues in the student’s life, not the course.

But other times the student was prepared and spent enough time on task. In fact, these are often cases where the student spent disproportionate time on the course, at the expense of other courses, yet they learned disappointingly little by both their standards and those of their instructor.

What’s going on?

A caution about generalizing

I’ll say before I proceed that the following notions are my own, based solely on anecdotal observation. I don’t recall any discussion of quite this phenomenon in the teaching literature, including my three favourite books on teaching. Though these books describe related topics, there appears to be a specific, distinct motivation and approach to learning in the contexts I’m about to describe. I also see some a priori reasons why students might respond this way, so this post is more than a list of cherry-picked incidents.

Given this argument’s informal nature, I will also avoid generalizing it outside my experience of computing science classes. I expect similar dynamics arise in other disciplines but I will leave their description to instructors in those fields.


I call this state, in which students are enthusiasts in their own overwhelm, flambloozlement. It’s the sense that there’s a lot of material, it’s demanding in just the right way, and therefore it must be important. Furthermore, any lack in the student’s accomplishment is a mark of the student’s incapacity, not the way the material has been presented.

This is a situation where students are duped into believing that if they were only smart enough they could accomplish the projects in the available time. This in turn induces them to throw themselves into the breach, risking body and mind and other course grades, to even get close to mastering the material. These beliefs may be affirmed at course’s end, when some students are found to have succeeded at their final projects. The other students—and the instructor—will likely ignore the degree to which the successful students began the course already knowing a large fraction of the material. Their success was due more to a second encounter with concepts they had already learned than to learning those concepts for the first time.

The common attributes of these courses

I have seen students joyously pursue flambloozlement in courses with the following attributes:

  1. They perceive the material as core to their discipline.
  2. The material includes a mass of technical details.
  3. Success in the assignments requires attending to many of these details. The exemplar in a computing science course is a large final programming assignment. In a pinch, assignments requiring extensive work with equations or proofs can induce similar student behaviour.
  4. The students perceive a monotonic relationship between hours of effort and ultimate grade.
  5. The assignments require little writing or reflection after the fact.
  6. When performing the assignment, students encounter details in an order entirely independent of the systematic development of concepts core to the material.

I think that last point is the dispositive one, with the preceding points setting the context in which flambloozlement flourishes. I also want to emphasize the importance of “perceive” in some of the statements: Regardless of what the instructor or practitioners in the field might argue, the students see the material in this light.

A sample flambloozling assignment

Let’s see how this can play out. Imagine an operating system course where the instructor assigns a final project with substantial programming effort. The conditions for flambloozlement are independent of whether the project is individual or group, so long as the effort required from any individual student is large enough. The project could be any of the typical ones for such courses, from “extend a small operating system”, to “add a device driver”, to “hack the Linux kernel”.

Such assignments have a common characteristic: They require students to learn the interfaces of a substantial piece of software and to work with professional-quality tools. Although these are desirable outcomes in their own right, they are independent of the outcome of learning operating system principles and lead students to adopt a shallow approach to learning those principles.

Consider what the students actually do while working on the assignment. They primarily will solve many small problems in sequence. Most students will have little experience working with programs of this complexity. Few programming problems are “simple” for programmers whose experience is too low for the software or tools they are using. Instead of resolving their immediate dilemma by combining familiar parts, the novice is reduced to slapping together pieces that vaguely fit, proceeding to their next challenge without understanding the solution to the last or even accepting a non-solution that appears to be a fix.

A simple problem that derails a novice

Many of these problems will have nothing to do with operating systems principles. For example, suppose they are using the Microk8s Kubernetes distribution and wish to determine how many kubelet instances are running locally. They may know that the ps -eaf command will dump the process table. If they simply type that command they will get a tedious list of hundreds of processes—460 on the system that I just tried.

An experienced programmer would exclude most irrelevant lines via piping the output through grep, producing three extraneous hits in addition to the correct one:

$ ps -ef | grep kubelet
... The kubelet instance
... The API server, which included kubelet in its command-line arguments
... /bin/operator, which also included kubelet in its command-line arguments
... The "grep kubelet" command

or use pgrep to combine listing and filtering and get just the correct line:

$ pgrep -a kubelet
... The kubelet instance

But a relative novice, unaccustomed to quick-and-dirty pipelines (the first solution) and unaware of esoteric commands that produce more precise results (the second solution), is likely to squander tens of minutes just plucking the appropriate line out of the 460 produced by a simple ps -eaf. At this point, they have certainly forgotten why they even wanted to find this item and will need to reconstruct their logic.

The instructor’s goals are distant from actual student experience

The students’ activity during such a programming project is a long sequence of this sort of challenges, insignificant to a skilled programmer but potentially derailing to a novice, in a distinct sequence for every student. I want to emphasize that the students were not stalled by lack of knowledge of the course content, operating systems principles. Rather, they were stalled by a lack of general programming knowledge.

Contrast the student experience of leaping over many short-term programming hurdles with the experience the instructor intended for the students. The instructor likely imagined the students having a sequence of consolidations or even epiphanies, as they observed operating system principles in action, such as the security provided by the separation of user space and kernel space, the cost of context switching, the benefit of an abstract file system interface in hiding device specifics, and other principles. In the actual course, the students are up into the early morning struggling to diagnose and fix the most basic problems.

To the students, this stream of near-insuperable barriers appears to be the point of the course. If they acknowledge the importance of the overarching topic they will attach that importance to their many small programming successes. Students enrolled in computer science courses typically enjoy programming, so they are susceptible to believing that programming is the most important lesson of the course when in fact these experiences stand in the way of them actually learning the primary content.

Using the same words with entirely different intentions

This combination, where students’ experiences forming the actual learning lie in an entirely different realm and level of detail from the intended course content, yet both students and instructor apparently agree on the importance of the content, is the source of the disconnect between student effort, student enthusiasm, and their lack of success mastering the actual material. Both groups use the same words to mean entirely different things.

Simply adding a learning outcome doesn’t address the problem

Many instructors would be puzzled by this critique. They might claim to resolve the dilemma by adding another learning outcome to our hypothetical course, something like “developing programming skill”.

This doesn’t solve the problem, it just makes the instructor’s denial explicit. A genuine learning outcome is more than another entry in a list. It forms the express basis of a suite of course activities, including teaching material and both formative and summative student assessment. The learning outcome is demonstrated by the dedication of significant course time to its achievement by the students.

If the instructor for our hypothetical operating systems course removed a substantial portion of operating systems material to fit in lessons on programming, perhaps with emphasis on aspects specific to the sort of projects assigned in the course, then an outcome such as “improve programming skill” could be legitimately included in the course goals. But few, if any, instructors are willing to accept the shift of course focus away from operating systems.

No easy resolution

Flambloozlement is a reality of course design in a technical field such as computing science. Student enthusiasm for a course may have little connection to the actual material nor to how well they learned that material. Although developing students’ proficiency in the detailed technical skills of our field is an important goal, actually achieving that goal requires exquisite care to keep the assignment workload manageable. Only then will students actually learn the overarching principles that form the main learning outcomes of our courses.