"Awareness" outcomes as preparation for internships
16 Dec 2019 Tags: Course designNote: Outside activities interrupted my posting here. Where did those five months go? I did generate a lot of potential posts on distributed systems, which I’ll discuss in coming posts. This post focusses instead on course design, addressing an issue of immediate interest to me.
I recently discussed course design with some colleagues developing a required course for a professional masters program. They wanted the course to address a common concern for such programs: How to increase the core CS technical skills of students in a program focused on a specialization outside that core. Of particular concern were students who do not have undergraduate CS degrees. Although such students bring valuable experience from other domains, it is at the cost of lacking the skills developed by long-term, broad study of CS. Even students who do have such background can benefit from revisiting these topics. How can we cover so much material in the limited time of a single course?
Disentangling an overstuffed course
The range of possible topics for such a course is far too broad to fit into a single semester of graduate study but that is the maximum time that can be spared from the program. In the interest of confidentiality, I am not going to enumerate the detailed topic list my colleagues presented. I can say that it included many of the topics you would expect on a list of “essential knowledge underlying a professional Master’s in CS”.
Clearly, there was too much material for detailed instruction in all topics. We began considering which ones were less important and might be cut. For example, given five broad areas of concern, focus on only three and not pursue the two others.
After some discussion, I proposed an alternative approach: Keep at least some of the lower-priority topics but define their learning outcomes to be awareness rather than competence.
If we don’t require “competence” are we just tolerating “in-competence”?
What do I mean by not setting some measure of “competence” as a learning outcome? Am I just setting the tolerance low enough to accept “incompetent” performance? I believe that rather than a lowering of standards, my proposal adjusts the course outcomes to take advantage of two opportunities:
- The co-op context of this master’s program, and
- Stepping outside the limits imposed by frameworks such as the Bloom taxonomies.
I’m not entirely sure what I mean by these statements. This post is my attempt to clarify them.
Building on the benefits of co-op
The program under discussion includes a required co-op semester between the first and second years. A “co-op” semester, short for “co-operative education semester”, is a three- or six-month salaried internship at some organization, whether locally in Vancouver or elsewhere in Canada or the world. This sort of semester, under various names, is common in professional master’s programs. The semester spent in a professional work environment is intended to meet several goals:
- Students will practice what they have learned in their first year, applying their skills to actual production systems.
- Students will learn some rather broadly-defined skills of “professional practice”. For this program, such practices include project management, data governance, and other practices of individual engineers and engineering organizations.
- Students will begin a professional network in the organization and city of their internship, a network that they can build upon when looking for work after graduation.
These goals are of necessity broad, even to the point of vagueness. The actual lessons and their effectiveness will vary widely, depending upon the student and the specific internship. But all internships provide an important context that is typically impossible in a classroom: Students will work on projects that existed before their arrival, that will continue after they leave, that are integrated with and answerable to the larger goals of an organization, and whose success has real consequences for that organization.
That organizational context seems to be an underexploited resource. Although much of what transpires in a student’s co-op semester is idiosyncratic and outside the educational institution’s control, the project context itself, that students will be stepping into a stream already in flow, is consistent. If we can determine the parts inherent to that experience and base an educational exercise on them, we can offload some of the learning outcomes from the core course to the co-op semester.
Given that the common elements of all co-ops are organizational, with wide variation across the technical specifics, these new learning outcomes should focus on software engineering project practice rather than the technical specializations of the course work. The ongoing nature of the project context provides a learning environment with distinct advantages over the bounded context of a single classroom semester.
The program under design already uses the complementary natures of classroom and co-op experience to provide more rounded learning outcomes but these outcomes remain broad. How might we focus them to offload some of the software engineering material from the proposed core course to the co-op semester?
Defining and assessing “awareness”-based outcomes
I propose that the core course and the co-op semester be coordinated to achieve some combined learning outcomes in software engineering and project management. The core course would prepare the students to be alert to or aware of selected issues. They would then watch for and observe these issues as they arise within the context of their co-op projects. At the conclusion of their co-op, they would write a structured report, consolidating their observations into insights for future practice.
This design requires that the outcomes for each topic be written in complementary pairs. The outcomes for the core course would prepare the students to critically observe, while the outcomes for the co-op report would specify the ultimate learning goals for the topic.
Although the co-op outcomes could be written using whatever conventions the design team preferred, such as Bloom’s taxonomy, the outcomes for the core course seem different, ill-matched to Bloom. We are not specifying a degree of understanding so much as a degree of preparedness to observe. What form might such outcomes take?
Working backwards from the ultimate outcomes
The learning outcomes for the co-op semester would set the goals for the entire sequence. The sequence comprises these distinct activities:
Core course: Do some brief, topic-specific preparation.
Co-op semester: Observe the context of the projects to which they contribute.
Followup (either at end of co-op or start of following semester): Reflect on their observations, according to a specified structure.
Given the structured reflection to be performed in Step 3, what kind of observations in the co-op semester (Step 2) will provide students the best material? And to prepare for those observations, what activities do students need to perform in the core course (Step 1)?
For the co-op experience to provide material for deeper insights, students should first be prepared to actively observe the practices of their organization. Such observation must prepare them to notice missing components as well as those that are present.
Observation is most effective when active, not passive. Students will benefit from periodically recording their observations, setting up new rounds of questions. On the other hand, given that the primary purpose of the co-op is to deliver value to their employer there are constraints on what we might expect students to do. Their observations should:
- Not disrupt their assigned projects.
- Not violate confidentiality requirements.
- Not intrude on activities of other team members.
In light of these constraints, individual reflection seems the best approach. Students might fill out periodic checklists or questionnaires or keep a structured diary. The biggest challenge is ensuring some form of oversight so that students do the activities at their scheduled time, rather than deferring them until the end of their co-op.
Example: Data governance framework
Data governance is a topic that is both important to cover and difficult to teach within the constraints of a classroom, where lessons can readily devolve to recitation of categories and best practices. Although an instructor can attempt to provide more direct engagement with the material by asking the students to analyze case studies, such exercises suffer from the necessity of presenting the entire context in written form and lack the urgency of actual stakes.
By contrast, the co-op semester provides an environment that directly complements these restrictions because its context is tacit, requiring the learner to draw it out, and its projects have substantive consequences.
Pointing out these differences is nothing new; they form the heart of longstanding rationales for internships. In this post I am simply considering what specific style of learning outcomes in the preceding course will focus the learner’s observations in the co-op semester.
Data governance components
TechTarget’s definition of a data governance framework includes several components:
A data governance framework consists of the rules, processes, organizational structures and technologies that are put into place as part of a governance program.
The co-op semester provides an opportunity for the learner to practice identifying these in an actual organization. This identification is subtle, as some components may be named differently from the names used in the literature or they may be partial or altogether absent. If a student were asked to locate these components in the organization in which they worked their co-op semester, the student might just submit a rote list of boxes in the organizational chart and policies in the manual. The student would miss the deeper issues, such as how policies are enforced and extended or what technological checks enforce the policies.
Co-op activities to learn data governance
A simple approach to learning the components of data governance is least likely to disrupt a student’s co-op schedule. We might group the learning into three phases, with one activity in each phase:
- Early co-op: Checklist or category list, identifying the components of the data governance program at the employing organization. The student identifies the de jure structure.
- Middle co-op: Short answers to questions about how the components work in practice. The student identifies the de facto structure.
- Post co-op: Group discussion, moderated by an instructor, amongst students after they have returned to campus. The student synthesizes the two above, identifying the whole structure.
Derived outcomes for the core course
The activities students will perform during their co-op semester in turn drive the outcomes for the core course that precedes it. To prepare for co-op activities such as those suggested above, the core course outcomes would be straighforward capacities to define and recognize the components.
The actual time spent on data governance in the core course would therefore be small, such as readings of basic governance structure and a few activities practicing with the checklists and questionnaires that they will use in the co-op.
Do these outcomes fit well within the Bloom taxonomy? On the one hand, the taxonomy is broad enough that anything can be pressed into its structure. On the other hand, these outcomes have a distinct quality resulting from the process that produced them. Rather than defining outcomes in terms of actions students might take in their ultimate career, we defined them in terms of the learning activities students would perform in the next course. The core course merely prepares the students for the actual learning that will occur in the co-op.
Process-oriented topics such as professional practice are ill-matched to classroom courses. They can consume undue time for too little benefit. Programs that require a co-op or internship experience might have better results while consuming less class time by adding structured activities to the co-op instead of the classroom. The students would prepare for these activities in a core course before they begin co-op and reflect on their experience in another course upon their return. The key point is to define multi-step learning outcomes, with the actual outcomes defined for the co-op, while the core course defines outcomes in terms of preparation to learn.
There are administrative issues that I have not addressed here. The co-op semesters already have some activities defined by the co-op department. Adding new activities must be done in cooperation with that department. The proposed activities further require that someone review student assignments to ensure timely submission and sincere attempts. Finally, scheduling a joint return discussion may be difficult if the students do not all have a common required course upon return.
These administrative issues will need careful consideration and resolving them may require modifying the proposed structure. Those efforts seem warranted however, as the alternative appproach of stuffing everything into a single core course is certain to be less effective.